
Uno spettacolo teatrale

The Mandrake Root

The Mandrake Root (La Mandragola) is a satirical play by the author of The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli.
Although the five-act comedy was published in 1524 and first performed in the carnival season of 1526, Machiavelli likely wrote The Mandrake Root in 1518 to be performed at the wedding of Duke Lorenzo de’ Medici and Maddalena de la Tour d’Auvregne.

The Decameron

Here Beginneth the Seventh Day of the Decameron Wherein Under the Governance of Dioneo Is Discoursed of the Tricks Which or for Love or for Their Own Preservation Women Have Heretofore Played Their Husbands With or Without the Latter's Cognizance Thereof.

The Seventh Story

Lodovico discovereth to Madam Beatrice the love he beareth her, whereupon she sendeth Egano her husband into the garden, in her own favour, and lieth meanwhile with Lodovico, who, presently arising, goeth and cudgelleth Egano in the garden.